Neem AzaS 50,000 PPM (5% EC)
Chemical Composition
- Azadirachtin a.i. min.- 5.00 % W/W
- Others QS % W/W
Chemical Composition
- CIB Registration No.- CIR-199648/2022
- Registered with Central Insecticide Board CIB
Neem AZAS is a Neem based botanical insecticide formulation containing 50,000 ppm Azadirachtin.
Neem AZAS is a systemic bio-pesticide and has multiple modes of action for control of insect pests.
Neem AZAS is a systemic bio-pesticide and has multiple modes of action for control of insect pests.

Insect Control
Effective in controlling Aphids, Heliothis, Pink mite, Diamondback moth (DBM), Red Spider mite, Thrips, Brown plant
hopper, Leaf Folder, Stem borer, Leaf hoppers, Whitefly, Caterpillar, Spodoptera, Pod borer and Fruit borer.
hopper, Leaf Folder, Stem borer, Leaf hoppers, Whitefly, Caterpillar, Spodoptera, Pod borer and Fruit borer.
Recommended Dosage/ Usage
- 0.75 to 2 ml per litre.
- Apply as a prophylactic and\or at early stage of insect attack.
- Ensure complete coverage of canopy.
- Repeat spray at 7-10 days of interval based on the pest load.
Packaging Sizes
100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre, 25 Litre, 200 Litre