Neem AzaS 1500 PPM (0.15% EC)
Chemical Composition
- Azadirachtin a.i. min.- 0.15 % W/W
- Others QS % W/W
Chemical Composition
- CIB Registration No.- CIR-199643/2022
- Registered with Central Insecticide Board CIB
Neem AZAS is a Neem based botanical insecticide formulation containing 1500 ppm Azadirachtin.
Neem AZAS is a systemic bio-pesticide and has multiple modes of action for control of insect pests.

Insect Control
Acts As An Anti Feedant In Which Insects Lose Their Appetite Growth Regulator- Larvae Don’t Develop Into Full Grown Adults. Also, It Is Effective In Controlling Pests: White Fly, Bollworm, Rots, Mildews, Thrips, Mealy Bugs, stem Borer,
brown Plant Hopper, rusts, scab, leaf Spot, blight, leaf Folder. Moreover, One Of The Major Function Includes Ovipositor And Ovicidal-deposition And Hatching Of Eggs Reduced.
brown Plant Hopper, rusts, scab, leaf Spot, blight, leaf Folder. Moreover, One Of The Major Function Includes Ovipositor And Ovicidal-deposition And Hatching Of Eggs Reduced.
Recommended Dosage/ Usage
- 5 ml per litre.
- Apply as a prophylactic and\or at early stage of insect attack.
- Ensure complete coverage of canopy.
- Repeat spray at 7-10 days of interval based on the pest load.
Packaging Sizes
100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre, 25 Litre, 200 Litre